No More Excuses

How many times have you caught yourself saying “I would do such and such IF I had more money or I had more time”, or “I’ve always wished I could ……………….(fill in the blank) but I just don’t have what it takes”?  

These are limits you have created in your mind and have convinced yourself is way out of your reach.  So many people I’ve heard speak of deep passions they’ve carried around but never put to use.  They have obvious talents they push to the side because they fear getting out of their comfort zone.  They come up with every excuse possible to avoid stepping outside of their safe little corner in life.  It’s much easier to hide and stay safe, I admit, but it’s also very restricting. 

Ask yourself what it is you really want in life.  What is it that truly brings you joy?  What is it that you feel deeply passionate about?  If you’re not living out those passions or using those talents, find out why you’re not.  Recognize the excuses you come up with in your mind.  Focus on possibilities and solutions instead of listening to that critic inside tell you the many reasons why you can’t.  Challenge that part of you that wants to hide and stay safe.

It’s never easy to step out into the unknown.  Many times I’ve taken those scary steps all the while my mind was telling me why I shouldn’t and why I should be deathly scared, but with each shaky step I took I became more motivated to keep going.  I found myself doing things I had made excuses for in the past and realized what I had been missing out on.  It brings you freedom.  It breaks those limiting thoughts and beliefs

What have you been talking yourself out of doing?  Write down all your excuses of why you’re not doing it.  Analyze each one and determine the risks and rewards.  Any time you take a chance and step out of your comfort zone there’s a risk, but on the other side are huge rewards.  

No matter where you are in life, what your circumstance is or your age, let go of the excuses and live the life you were created to live.



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