What It’s Like Living With an Anxiety Disorder

I never even gave much thought to what it means to have an anxiety disorder until I was diagnosed with it in the 90’s.  Most people don’t realize that it’s an actual mental illness.  When I tell people I have high anxiety they say “yeah I deal with anxiety also” but they are clueless as…

The Meaning Behind Color

I do believe there is a connection between emotions and color.  There’s even such a thing as color therapy.  Whether you’re feeling sad, lonely, fearful or anxious you can practice taking a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and identify the thoughts streaming through your mind at the time, give them a shape and a…

When You Live With Depression

Have you ever dealt with depression in your life?  My guess is at some point you have dealt with a certain degree of it for a short period of time.  Maybe it’s been from the loss of a loved one or possibly a divorce or even a sense of loss from your childhood.  But there…

The Power of Visualization

The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in mind. ~Henry David Thoreau Whatever it is you wish to achieve visualizing it helps to put you in motion.  If you can create as clear a picture as you can in your mind’s eye, you can reach that goal. You have…

No More Excuses

How many times have you caught yourself saying “I would do such and such IF I had more money or I had more time”, or “I’ve always wished I could ……………….(fill in the blank) but I just don’t have what it takes”?   These are limits you have created in your mind and have convinced yourself…

F.E.A.R- False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR- one of those things that some of us allow to control every part of our lives.  Sure, it’s completely normal to have a certain amount of fear, it keeps us safe from “real” dangers.  But for some of us, we tend to create dangers that are only in our minds.  These 10 tips listed…

Greatist – Tips To Boost Your Confidence Now

I read through the list.  #2 is something I’ve been practicing.  I believe it works.  I’ve been more mindful of holding my shoulders back and head up.  What a wonderful instant confidence booster!  I’m also a firm believer in #10, do it every day, and can attest to the validity of it.  The only one…

Social Anxiety Looks Weird. I Get It. | Mamalode

Anyone else suffer with this debilitating problem, Social Anxiety?  Unless you have it, there’s just no way to explain the feelings we go through or why they’re there.  It can be torture at times.  You go through phases of actually hating yourself because you can’t seem to shake it no matter what you do or…

Stuckness & Comfort Zones

  What do you do when you find that you feel stuck?  Doing the same exact things over and over every single day with the exception of maybe a weekend day.  I guess maybe some people prefer to have a set routine.  But for me, I need variety.  I need to change things up a…

It’s YOUR Journey

Have you ever found yourself consistently trying to explain to others why you do what you do?  I once was trapped in this vicious cycle of feeling the need to explain myself all the time.  I thought I needed to help them understand me out of a fear of rejection.  I had a deep fear…